SON!!! WHAT THE FUCK SON!!!???? Who said it would be cool to put presidential candidate heads on flipflops?!?!?
These flipflops, dubbed "Electionsflops", were created by company Hotflops to allow Americans to show their political support for their favorite candidate. Umm....as massive amounts of bumper stickers, shirts, hats, buttons, >>insert random political paraphernalia here<<>
Okay, now I'm all for supporting your favorite canidates campaign [BARACK FOR CHANGE '08 WHOO!!], but actual mini heads??? That's what's really killing me!! Not face prints on the shoes, not just a name and '08, AN ACTUAL MINI HEAD!! SON!! I can't stop laughing...but I can't help but shed one lone tear in 'What the Fuck' fashion.
Sad Part: I know these motherfuckers are not only going to sell, they will SELL OUT!! ....better go get you a pair today...
...I won't purchase a pair unless they have little Bush heads on them...then I can bust the heads up against a brick wall...
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