anger.singeing the hair on my body.Incubus lyrics permeate my thoughts today....so maybe listening to old school Incubus [back when Brandon was "going through things"] wasn't the best choice but, shit, I needed to hear someone who knew exactly how I was feeling...and I wasn't in the mood to pick up my own guitar and learn another song just to sing and cry softly to myself...especially when Brandon already does it on my Touch.
Incubus made me feel a hell of alot better today. As the rain fell and flooded my balcony, I started to think about everything that had happened to this point. I felt as if I was >>insert blog title here<<. I felt like I have started to change so much, like in the past month or 2 expecially. But I've changed in order to grow...in order to receive more out of life...in order to see change in others...be happier....HA! ...what a fucking waste...
::but then::

Incubus allowed me to face my feelings head on....
Ling Ling *and a lil ~laugh, laugh, funny, funny~ from the idiot box* helped to bring me back from the edge...I love her forever and when all fades away in this world *or when the world ends in 2012*, she will still be standing there with me *mainly because we decided to pop some X and ride out the end of the world, but also because she's my bestest* and we will be making each other laugh so we won't have to feel the hurt anymore...