07 September 2008

...and then the skies broke open...

....and the heavenly MOTHER up above said, "It's over girl, pick yourself up and LIVE"

I listened.I'm listening.I woke up with a smile on my face this morning and, honestly, it's the first time I didn't wake up with a lump in the core of my stomach in a long LONG time...

...it's nice...

Ling and I watched ignorance on TV.she complains.I laugh.good times are had by all.
**WeIrD mOmEnT** I did this lady hair today. She asked where Ling was from.Don't you know they are both from New Orleans?!?!?
....it's a small world after all....

We went to see *MIRRORS* earlier....
DO NOT GO SEE THAT FUCKING MOVIE!!! Ling called it from the first scene, "This looks like its going to be a stupid movie"...mind you, she picked the damn movie...but you never know until you actually do it.
BUT THE MOVIE REALLY DID SUCK...the ending??? Kiefer dies and ends up in the mirrors...I hope I ruined it enough that you will just download it from the internet instead of paying all your money to go see it...

okay.so I'm 3 days late, but I gots it!!
'07 Honda Civic...all the works!**I'll post pics later**
she rides nice...but she's sans name as of yet....**any suggestions???**

~*~*~on a more solemn note, I had to leave my poor BIPSIE behind...~*~*~
she was my girl.we've gone through so much together.moving hundreds of times.roadtrips.accidents.inspections.she never did me wrong.she was my girl.my car.my BipBip...

**moment of silence for my baby**

**I gotta keep my fucking mouth shut...updates on wednesday**

***hugs & kisses***