...that I'm gonna be a random ass person today....
I spent almost 3 full days in the bed.literally.
television [save for the news.all the news] sucks monkey balls...but I can't stop watching.
I've been slacking on my musical pimpin.downloading like crazy.but nothing makes the touch.not on purpose...I've been in super lazy mode.
if they made me into a super hero, I'd be LaZy WoMaN.able to leap tall buildings...when ever she gets to it.faster than a tortoise...running backwards.
aaah well.the laziness will end.tomorrow...
I don't understand why all of a sudden McCain has decided to stop bashing Obama's character.does he think that may help him win at the last minute.boo, you have already fucked your campaign up.shall I list the reasons why?sure? okay:
- you waited til your 150th bday to decide to run for president
- you neglected to push the issues you care about
- instead, you decided to talk about your lack of full range of motion in your arms due to being a POW
- you look like the man who tamed the dinosaurs, and then ate the ones still roaming after the big bang
- you picked the WORSE woman to run with
- she just learned the word 'maverick' and now she won't stop saying it
- why did you teach her that word
- you called Obama 'That One'
- I could go on...but my blog may not post because I would run out of memory
I had a bomb ass weekend.even though most of it was featured live from my IKEA bed.
somewhere in my present life I was a vegetarian.don't worry doubters.I haven't given in to the animal flesh.but I have lost track.I should get back to that...
working from home:worst decision an employer could give to an employee.WORST.
columbus day???what the fuck is columbus day???if I've ever had a day off for columbus day, it was too far back to even know who columbus was.and why the FUCK are parades being rolled off in his honor.guess white americans LOVE the birth of america.all I seem to remember are the small pox blankets.trail of tears.and slave ships.GOD BLESS THE USA...or something like that.
I was serious about going to Canada.any takers???
*...and it don't stop...*
*got the randomness to make your body rock*
"I was serious about going to Canada.any takers???"
Being that Canada is right across the water (about a 10 minute drive), every time I go downtown and see the Windsor skyline, Canada looks more and more attractive.
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