25 March 2009

I tried...

1/ alot of things have been causing me to rethink...

2/ would you believe it? The apartment we're moving to is about 5 mins from almond joy...

3/....but he'll never know it...

4/ Why are states trying to issue formal apologies for slavery? Do they feel that it will erase centuries of racism and discrimination? Is it a pass to keep white folk from keeping us down? I don't get it...

5/don't issue apologies....it's WAAAYYY too late for that...

6/Love vs Money got a 74 on Okayplayer....as much as I love the album, i didn't think it would break 70...oops

7/...another teen dies at the hands of a cop with a taser...what the fuck is going on???!! They haven't learned their lesson? You kill hundreds of people...TURN THE VOLTAGE DOWN!!! especially when dealing with kids...like maybe they should have a dial for each type of person. Like: 'child', 'teen', 'woman', 'man', 'big ass muthafucka'

8/Why does it have to be so cold in the first days of spring? It was 30 degrees on my way to work this morning...POPPYCOSH! I'm ready to break out my mini skirts, sundresses, and pumpum shorts!

9/i'm thinking about buying a desert eagle...it's one sexxxy gun...

10/i'm moving to maryland...well back to maryland in the other side of the beltway...

11/ I think our generation will have the highest rate of deaf elderly thanks mostly in part to 'the boomin system', iPods, and Bose 'over the ear' high-def headphones...and that's fine. I just gotta brush up on my ASL

12/ I will no longer be planning events for ANYONE! I'ma be doing what I wanna do...if you wanna get down...meet me there.

13/I fucking LOVE Kid Cudi!!! He could do nothing but write in his blog all day and I'd be pleased....but his music makes me *swoon*

14/Other people's blogs are like my personal form of therapy...without the outrageous bill...

15/Lupe has a new album dropping....WHOO! I can't wait! But this retirement thing is really getting to me...why?

16/If I go longer than a day without checking 2dopeboyz, I have so much to catch up on. I've been on for the last hour just tryna catch up on the past 4days

17/I'm sick and tired of being asked about those no longer in the picture...if they were still around, i'd bring them up...but i didn't, so move on...I did

18/I'm thinking about getting a reading...like a tarot card reading...

19/or a tattoo....

20/I'm waiting patiently and watching intently for any info on Rock The Bells 2009. As soon as the tix go in sale I'll be purchasing the biggest package...12 hours in extreme heat==best mega concert of the year

21/writing blogs while reading blogs is uber fun

*off to twitter land and bed*
