30 November 2009

Sky might be falling but remember you can flyyy hiigh..

...I know I know...shut up...

...anywhooo..what yall been up to?

...rayJ's bitches are just like the last ones from last season...cept uglier..

...I love the end of the year...I can put all bullshit in a box and kick it into the river 09 and star fresh with a new box marked 'bullshit'...plus, VH1 does the best end of year recaps....so hilarious.

...so I figured, all the stuff I want to get for myself this christmas will run me somewhere in the neighborhood of $2500-2700...that's just for myself...i'ma need the LORD open the skies and pour unto me a blessing...

...tis the season of giving....to myself...lmao *I kid I kid...*

...I bought a bike...and it rains and gets cold..

...sometimes I wish I had my hair this length....without the locs...still natural, but without locs

...messy mya is that truth...and he makes me feel so much better when things just don't seem quite right...

...this weekend made me realize just how much I appreciate my family & friends...they are so hilarious and offer the best advice...I sure know how to pick em!

...I can't wait to move into a new apartment...

...5 months going strong...i'm learning...he's learning...hopefully it all works out...unless he cheats at wii tennis again...lol

...what's good for this weekend?



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