09 September 2008

Bonjour mes amis!!

nothing uber exciting has been going on in life lately.
lots of green tea and water drinking.even more peeing.not enough sleep.but we all know that's normal.

The work week is half over for me...*yippie*
The best thing about working where I do, off Fridays. Whoever was the person who came up with this concept, GOD BLESS YOUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE!!

I haven't been feeling too good today. I've been feeling dizzy and my stomach has been aching like all hell. I tried to take nap, but it's only given me a wack case of heartburn...*shit*

A friend at work requested some music, so I'm posting it here for all to enjoy: **download, don't worry, it's free**

**90210 is that new hotness...and that's big coming from me**

*off to take some Pepto*

***hugs & kisses***


Niki said...

Are you pregger??
I want some nieces && nephews!