...I was one of those precious seeds of well-to-do parents who get all of their bills paid while they lay in a lap of luxury...
From the time we are children, adults should attach grownupship *yes, that's what I said, 'grownupship'* with a fucking SURGEON GENERAL's warning:
"CAUTION: being grown up causes extreme amounts of stress, with flair ups around the bill payment deadlines. Side effects of being grown up includes, but is not limited to: hair loss, reposessions, fucked up credit, depression, uninsured trips to the ER, brokeassness, bitchassness, alcoholism, heavy weed smoking, >>insert bad habit here<<, etc. Being grown up is not preventable and not curable, but can be treated with heavy amounts of begging, drug use, and alcohol..."
I mean...they do tell you...it ain't no joke being grown up and all...but damn. I'm sitting here, watching tv, writing, and sitting under the hair dryer *I'm an addict for tightly twisted locs...lol*, and stressing over where I'm gonna get the money to pay the rest of my bills this month...and the month just fucking began...
The first of the month is the biggest bitch I've ever met in my life...rent, credit cards, car note, utilities, phone, insurance...they can't ever, like, give you a month off for good payment behavior??? I make sure my shit is paid...and it always gets paid on time...but they starting to cut into my partying money. LOL
I don't know...mo' money mo' problems...
*cash rules everything around me...C.R.E.A.M. get the money*
*dolla dolla bill, yall*
Btw-- I'm stealing your "caution" for a FB note!
Coming soon :)
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