I went on a business trip for 'talent aquisition' last week. fun times. back to good ol Hampton. ahem.NOT
Anywho, as we were setting up for the career fair it was brought to my attention that the 4 little colored kids are spending too much time together in the building.sitting together in the lunch room.walking the halls.going to meetings.etc.
The coworker said, and I quote,
"[*blank] said we need to stop sitting together at lunch"
-->umm...what? why?
"because...you know...because..."
-->umm..*laughs part angrily, part nervously*...I don't care...
And what's even more weird...THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME SOME COWORKER HAS MENTIONED IT TO ME! Umm...I don't fucking get it...
Now I know, many black folk in the same general area means we MUST BE plotting to kill us a cracker...but I coulda sworn we passed the "non-violent negro" test when we were hired for the job...I can't tell you how many times someone has come up to us at lunch and when we asked them to sit and eat with us and they would reply, and I quote,
"No, that's okay. I'm gonna sit over here...'WE' can' all sit together...you know that looks bad..."
And they would proceed to another table to either sit by themself OR sit with 1 other black person...does it not look just as bad when you don't with with anyone...or when you don't expand your horizons and sit with the white folk??? I don't know maybe it just me...but after futher observation, I have come to the conclusion that not only do white people all sit together at the lunch table, but I never see a white person come up and ask to sit with us either....hmmm....should I sit by myself because I don't want to be seen as 'only hanging out with my own kind'?? and why is it okay for whites to not have to hang out with us, but it's not the other way around???
I don't know...I don't get all these rules and stipulations placed on black folk *or people in general* in corporate america...What good are they???
*i never follow the rules anyway...*
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