26 June 2009

And as it began, so shall it end...

**i'm sad....i'm sitting in the airport getting ready to leave florida...

It just wasn't long enough...I wish I could be laying on the beach a few more days...just a few.

** I went jet skiing and parasailing yesterday. It was fun. A bit overpriced, but oh well. They should put a warning sign on the jet ski stand that says you must do stretches before going out. That ride was s fucking intense! I was sore all day yesterday. And today I woke up feeling like I had been stuffed thru a grinder. I can barely move!

Parasailing...was...an experience, to say the the least. I can't say its something I am willing to do again. They took us on a ride thru a channel out to the sea. In this channel are some of the grandest houses i've ever seen. Like, these house easily go for $10million or more. They shoed us this little house that was for sale:$4million. I'm be like that one day...big ass house on the water worth a huge amount of money. Once we got out to sea, it started getting windy and they were hesitating to put us up in the air...but they did it anyway. We got up there with parashute #1 and they said it wasn't sitting right. Mind you, we were about 300-400 feet up in the air. Not cool. Then they said they were going to take us back to dock cause it was too windy, and they instead broke out another parachute and put just me up in the air. I was all cool with it at first, then it was shaking and did a lil dip...over ocean...deep ocean...I wasn't feeling it after that. When they finally pulled me back in. They told me I needed to go back out because my friend was too light to go by hisself...hmmm....whatever. Well needless to say, I was motion sick and I too thru with parasailing after that ride