06 April 2009

I don't *heart* mondays...

1// NOTE TO SELF: screening new albums while tired at work....not the best choice...

2// What exactly is Charles Hamilton trying to do? He went and cut his hair, put on some nice clothes, and stopped whining *for the most part*...then put out a new mixtape. And it actually sounds pretty good...wow...cause his last few mixtapes were not as good as people made them out to be...it's nice he is trying to grow up a taste...

3// ...now if only he will stop trying to sing...leave the singing to Brandon...he's so much better at it...

4// ...I should have slept in this morning...

5// this waking up early thing is for the birds

6// air conditioning in the workplace is a pretty stupid concept...

7// ...and why does my desk always seem to end up right under the vent?!?!

8// I miss DC soul artists...

9// How does a 13 year old manage to make it all the way to Texas from VA in a big ass pick up and trailer carrying 2 horses? One: it had to take him over a day to get there. When he stopped, why didn't anyone ask how old he was and why his parents weren't with him? Two: how big is this 13 year old? He has to be a big lil bastard to not be caught driving all that distance. Three: who taught this lil bastard to drive? Shouldn't his parents be arrested for teaching him to drive? Video games couldn't have taught him to drive like that....

...I swear kids are growing up entirely too fast nowadays...

10// ...wow...i'm listening to the Jetsetters mixtape and and I swear I just heard Drake rap a line that sounded exactly like something a bitch ass n**g@ said to me last week...smh...it's sad he couldn't even come up with a decent excuse on his own...well that's to be expected from a bitch...

11// ...that Drake song was good though...

12// I have a thing for midwest rappers...

13// If you feel you need to tell me how to achieve my goals and you just met me, it's not going to work...

14// I keep losing all my lip chap...

15// The cherry blossoms are so pretty...but what is the point of a festival? They had absolutely nothing going on yesterday and yet, people were out in DROVES! Idk...I would definitely go out there and take lounge under the trees on a warm day...but everyone was out there just walking around like they had never seen trees before...smh

16// la'rae snores so fucking loud...lmao

17// it seems like people pack into Ben's Chilli Bowl hoping to see Obama walk in for lunch again..as much as I love him, I'm mad he made my favorite place in DC so damn popular

18// the African Art Museum is a lil hidden treasure within the Smithsonian system. That's a museum that I could stand to go to over and over again...

19// all this new music is making my monday seem a bit better

20// FLA in t-minus 2 1/2 months!!!



Colie said...

Wasn't even invited to Florida...