30 November 2009
Sky might be falling but remember you can flyyy hiigh..
...anywhooo..what yall been up to?
...rayJ's bitches are just like the last ones from last season...cept uglier..
...I love the end of the year...I can put all bullshit in a box and kick it into the river 09 and star fresh with a new box marked 'bullshit'...plus, VH1 does the best end of year recaps....so hilarious.
...so I figured, all the stuff I want to get for myself this christmas will run me somewhere in the neighborhood of $2500-2700...that's just for myself...i'ma need the LORD open the skies and pour unto me a blessing...
...tis the season of giving....to myself...lmao *I kid I kid...*
...I bought a bike...and it rains and gets cold..
...sometimes I wish I had my hair this length....without the locs...still natural, but without locs
...messy mya is that truth...and he makes me feel so much better when things just don't seem quite right...
...this weekend made me realize just how much I appreciate my family & friends...they are so hilarious and offer the best advice...I sure know how to pick em!
...I can't wait to move into a new apartment...
...5 months going strong...i'm learning...he's learning...hopefully it all works out...unless he cheats at wii tennis again...lol
...what's good for this weekend?
21 October 2009
Back in the day when I was young I'm not a kid anymore..but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again
▪ do I act childish?
My boyfriend says I do...like, I don't like to talk about things and I when I do I like to argue them to the death. I like to talk about things, but I don't like to discuss and argue about little petty shit...sorry...
▪ it is taking me so long to finish this damn post....I've been working on it since saturday....smh
▪ speaking of saturday, I almost died on saturday...my friend is no longer allowed to drive in the rain or after 12 while i'm in the car...i'll drive or stay whereever we may be going. His ass was driving like he was the only one in the car and he had a death wish...umm...I value my life, thanks...
▪ on a lighter note, saturday was a fun night. Eastern state penetentiary was an amazing structure smack dab in the middle of a developed neighborhood. And inside those walls....whew...inside those walls was the most creepy sight. If they stripped out all the props and actors and stuff, that place could sell out all by itself. I was terrified just at the penetentiary...add in actors, props, darkness, rain, cold, and a drunk black kid that said we were standing in line to get in the club...it made for a very funny night.
▪ new years is looking like a repeat of last year...but it will be even more fun and I will have a lot more money...
▪ ...as long as it's with my alcoholic partner in crime, i'm cool with it...
▪ whoohoo!!! I get to see the foreign exchange this weekend up close & in person!!
▪ this is my first howard homecoming that I haven't been all up & thru the events...i'm just not as excited...plus, all my friends are gonna be outta town so it won't be AS fun....I think I have officially grown up...
▪ Trey Songz' *Anticipation* mixtape is actually better than his *Ready* album...sad
▪ I hope you're happy now, shu...theres more to come asap...
27 September 2009
~> Couldn't have had a better weekend....I guess I can say I'm really over what all transpired...
~> Panky needs an oil change real bad
~> Cudi's album is still great
~> Apologies are worthless unless they are truly genuine...so stop apologizing...
~> The BF met the mom this weekend. I'm proud of her for not giving a complete 3rd degree...though E certainly did the job for her. I needed that though. It's good to hear that people care about me enough to make sure they ask all the things that I need to know but was too caught up to ask...
...is it *the real thing*?? idk, but so far so good.
~> Crazy *stalker* bitches seem to be good at what they do. I didn't know that at the age of 23, we can still manage to act like we just started high school. Shit, I really thought we had managed to move past that...we have degrees...we are grown up and have grown up problems and jobs and shit...but apparently we haven't. IDK...I have better things to worry about than to be caught up in some petty drama...
~> Females are irrational....myself included...
~> I seem to be a very daring person...
~> I need a bike...again...
~> ...and a new fucking computer...bad...
~> 3am scarfing down cold cheeseburgers: some what *for the win*, mostly *fail*. He never eats the whole burger...this is something we know for a fact...but last night, neezy fucked that burger up!! straight out of the fridge...that was a kodak moment!!
~> Shu finally admitted to herself that she is not superwoman and stayed on the couch last night...thank goodness...we all know that manASSASS is like a billion light years away from Alexandria...and she had WAY too much to drink to make it home! I don't live close to the city for nothing!
~> OMG october starts next week...where has the year gone?
~> Let your haters be your motivators.... listen to *Motivation* by Jay-Z
~> *Surrogates* was a pretty good movie...but it was kinda like I-Robot with out the Will Smith shower scene...
...another week...more stress...
...I'm living for the weekend...
21 September 2009
Why must is feel so wrong when I try to do right??
-->> What in the FUCKING HELL is a McGangBang??? I'm so glad I'm a vegetarian...I ain't missing shit: McGangBang
-->> I can't take anymore whole weekends off without exercising...I almost died today in my zumba class today! Maybe I'll take up biking again...which is pretty fucking stupid considering that I just GAVE MY FUCKING BIKE AWAY TO THE GOODWILL! *sigh* I guess I'll just have to suck it up and buy another one....
-->> I wonder if they have a early afternoon yoga class on fridays???
-->> Can anyone recommend a good book on Weblogic??? I just isn't an application that one can pick up by just fiddling around with it...I'm starting to hate Weblogic...
-->> Where the hell is Granite, Utah? Who lives there and why would anyone even WANT to go there??
-->> I'm getting sick and tired of stalkers...
-->> ...especially when they aren't mine...
-->> Puff keeps asking me when I plan to pick up the guitar again...I need to look into some lessons...
-->> I need to paint my nails...
20 September 2009
You're in my dreams now...
--» another week has begun...
--» lmao the excuses that come out of the dudes on *how to catch a predator* are sooo dumb..."I don't normally do this...I was trying to protect her"....mmhm...protect her by sticking your P in her VaG!!
--» cosmic bowling in a smoky redneck bowling alley was fun. Cheaper and more fun than booking 2 weeks in advance, dressing all up, and paying for overpriced beer...
--» puff is finally on twitter...after cyber stalking twitter pages for the past few months...welcome to my world... :-P
--» I finally started my exercise classes last week....*whew* I am sooooooo out of shape! 4 days a week: boxercise, zumba, and turbokick. I'm hanging in there though...the soreness has finally gone away and I can actually make it thru a whole hour of cardio...I just have to work on strength training... *pray for me*
--» I've missed my bed this weekend....i've had fun though!
--» I finally understand the concept of football...like forreal. More than just pick the pretty colors and cheer while they run up and down the field. I know what is actually happening. YAY ME!!!
--» I still like basketball better though...
--» my boyfriend completely read my personality the other day...my goodness...he was so accurate it was scary. I think he really is a keeper.
--» I watched the Mayweather fight last night...I think he might just be the epitome of a douchebag. I mean, he does back it up, but damn....he could have given himself a bit more of a challenge for his comeback! And I really wanna see him fight Sugar Shane...don't be no bitch, Floyd...
--» i'm so sad summer is ending...time to pack up the dresses and go find sweaters....
20 August 2009
...and looking out for one time...and these haters tryna take mine...i'm walking on a thin line...
>>i wonder what else he had in there and how long it took him to perfect that craft...
**a drunk woman breast feeding her baby == weird...
>>i wonder if the baby got drunk? how dumb are you for doing that shit...and how much more dumb are yyou for getting caught...
**still basking in the concert weekend afterglow...
**i love blogging...reading as wel as writing
**EJ needs to update his blog...
**...so does my momma...
**how much herbal/green tea is too much tea???
**i don't really care...it tastes sooooo gooood!!!
**DJHERO??? how could i have missed that?!!??
**i keep forgetting Ling is damn near a year younger than us...not that I care, as long as she's over 21
**everything around me keeps reminding me how fucking old i'm getting *mind you, i'm only 23* watching tv>>alot of the artists i'm becoming hip to are no older than 21, with most in the 18-20 range. one of the girls i used to baby sit *i've known her since she was a pudgy 3 year old* is not only on Facebook, but she looks as old as my sister! My god brother *who I forget is even a teen until i stand beside him...he's tall as shit* is driving now...ugh, young people, WTF...
**I just finished reading steve harvey's book...after letting it sit around for like 4-5 months. it was actually a pretty good book. not at all what i expected since most people i know sort of trashed it...i enjoyed it. he gives alot of good advice-->you just have to open yourself and shut your bitterness down to accept it
**i miss hanging out with all my *ray rays and nem*
**TRUE BLOOD is my new addiction...never thought i'd be saying that...
**i need another vacation...
**friday night at the shadowroom....ehh
**>>NOTE TO SELF<< do not drink sugarfree redbull with vodka. it makes absolutely NO SENSE. who the hell tries to be healthy while polluting their system with liquor...a sure sign of old age...
**if you call more than twice and she still doesn't answer the phone...GIVE UP....not only did she miss your call *most likely on purpose* but she probably is NOT gonna call back
**i'm not moving to Texas....PERIOD
**you were definitely drunker than me...i didn't throw up and i'm pretty sure i could drive...
**kickboxing??? all systems seem to go...
**i'm a shit talker...sorry you can't keep up...
**i wanted sushi!!! that hoe was lucky i didn't burn that place to the GROUND...cause it SURE wasn't 11 yet...
**i wonder what will happen this weekend...?
**i really want a tarot card reading...but the place i found charges $60 a session. I think it might be worth it.
....steadily approaching the FUCK YOU phase of my life...
..........cause it's my time homie............
09 August 2009
Enjoy the Incubus Experience
**this is my first experience at an actual 'white' concert where there was not a hip hop act...
**...just walked in the door...this is an experience I must say...
**tail gating takes on whole new levels at a rock concert...tents, grills, footballs, massive amounts of beer, I even saw a makeshift skeeball game set up...wow...
**in what world would you not EXPECT to be carded for trying to walk in a concer carrying an open beer container??? It's already illegal to have an open container in public in the state of Maryland, so why not carr your id just in case??? And then to get mad because they didn't let you in??? That was just dumb...
**i'm sitting in almost the exact same spot I was sitting in last night....
**I don't understand the whole 'we'll buy extra tickets' thing outside the gates...if we had extra tickets, wouldn't we have sold them already...if not to get rid of them, but to make our own profit...just a thought. And are you supposed to be selling tickets outside the gate???
Been here 10 minutes...current count of black people not working booths or selling/buying tix: 22, including myself....
...well that's better than the 3 I saw when I got here....
At the Summer Spirit Festival...
** I never understood why people got all dressed up and sweat out they perms, jack up they heels, and fall apart completely...
**...I go for the music...that's all I know...
**I was not introduced to the friend tonight....can't take it that bad...
**late night conversations reveal the best in people....
**....and the worst....
**Raphael Saddiq is SOOOOO cute!!!
**So is Phonte...
**why am I the only one who knows who foreign exchange is? It was like me and about 10 other people in a crowd of hundreds who knew the act performing...but the were great...I wish I saw them at the Black Cat back in march...
...to be continued....
20 July 2009
Sometimes....I may seem a lil distant...
-- Jeremih's album is like a baby version of a Dream album...
-- ...with MUCH better singing...
-- I just realized...I'm quite a secretive person...
-- ...it tends to be a gift and a curse...
-- a guy who is concerned about you even when he can't see you often, is a guy you keep around!
-- the wine festival couldn't have been any better this year! Even though it was packed like shit and it took us forever to get there, I'm glad I got to go and bring my closest friends! **pics on FB**
-- kickboxing???? HMM...maybe...
-- I need to bounce him out of my life...I know I know...obviously we can't be friends...
-- I have the ability to bring the *5 year old girl* out in a man...that's definitely a curse I'm going to break....
-- ...excuses are like assholes...
-- 'In the future...everyone will be famous for 15 minutes' *andy warhol*
-- maybe I should take the field position...
-- think positive....and positive will be returned...
-- think negative....and negative will be returned...
19 July 2009
I need a SWEET ESCAPE....
-- I did my poor *Panky* so wrong...and now i'm paying the cost for it...to the tune of a few hundred bucks...
-- driving thru ditches on 395 == BAD IDEA
-- you can't have your cake and eat it too...please remember that...
-- now that my ability to chew has returned and i'm dealing with all this bullshit, I deserve sushi...
-- ...a lot of sushi...
-- once it's done, you won't have to worry about it again for a long time..
04 July 2009
Today's color to fill in life's spaces: grey....
** Off The Wall == best MJ album
** I'm open to opposers...
** Thank goodness for TVOne marathons...late night television is so much better...
** I'm mad everyone is shit talking...it's cool, it only fuels my likelihood of doing the complete opposite...
** ...and we're not even gonna get started on all the cows you know...
** ...I'm just sayin...
** ...don't be mad if you look up and I'm gone....
** I swear, if Clovis sticks his tongue in my ear again, I'll chop his lil limp manhood off! Don't you ever think that it will ever be the way it ever was...
** ....but your friend was fine as hell though!! Do me a favor?? Pass him my number. After you do that, delete it out your phone...
** Stop making bets on my womb!
** I got mad cooking to do when I wake up...
** I was so craving sushi at 1:30 this morning!
** When am I not craving sushi???
** I can't wait til sunday...
27 June 2009
Found it...
**I don't know what's been going on lately but something is in the air that is causing death. Like forreal. The metro crash claims 9, farrah fawcet succumbs to cancer, and Michael Jackson just suddenly dies of cardiac arrest?? Now, Ed McMahon died this week too...but he was maad old and that one wasn't such a surprise. But honestly. It's like we tapped out for a week for vacation and the whold world falls apart! What the fuck...
...I don't think the world is going to recover from this period of mourning...
**I need some catch up....
...back to the real world...
...peep vacation pics up on Facebook in the next few days...
oh well...
26 June 2009
And as it began, so shall it end...
It just wasn't long enough...I wish I could be laying on the beach a few more days...just a few.
** I went jet skiing and parasailing yesterday. It was fun. A bit overpriced, but oh well. They should put a warning sign on the jet ski stand that says you must do stretches before going out. That ride was s fucking intense! I was sore all day yesterday. And today I woke up feeling like I had been stuffed thru a grinder. I can barely move!
Parasailing...was...an experience, to say the the least. I can't say its something I am willing to do again. They took us on a ride thru a channel out to the sea. In this channel are some of the grandest houses i've ever seen. Like, these house easily go for $10million or more. They shoed us this little house that was for sale:$4million. I'm be like that one day...big ass house on the water worth a huge amount of money. Once we got out to sea, it started getting windy and they were hesitating to put us up in the air...but they did it anyway. We got up there with parashute #1 and they said it wasn't sitting right. Mind you, we were about 300-400 feet up in the air. Not cool. Then they said they were going to take us back to dock cause it was too windy, and they instead broke out another parachute and put just me up in the air. I was all cool with it at first, then it was shaking and did a lil dip...over ocean...deep ocean...I wasn't feeling it after that. When they finally pulled me back in. They told me I needed to go back out because my friend was too light to go by hisself...hmmm....whatever. Well needless to say, I was motion sick and I too thru with parasailing after that ride
24 June 2009
I knew it...
We had plans to go on an all day water tour *kayak, parasailing, water skiing, and snorkeling* but the key west weather decided it didn't want us to do that. So we had breakfast at some really nice local restaurant *I had a seafood omlette...delicious* and now we're headed back.
**i'm having a GREAT time!! I've gotten almost everything I wanted do in *with exception of the booze cruise and winning money at the casino*
**side note** when I mention that i'm on vacation, I'm usually not concerning myself with spending all my time on the phone getting to know someone new. If I tell you I will hit you up when I return, I mean it. You don't need to hit me up days before I return and proceed to reprimand me on not contacting you. Not only is it making a *BAAADD* first impression, but its a sure sign of future insecuities. Never come at me like that and expect me to want to get to know you better. I answer to NOONE *cept God* and I do whatever the fuck I want. Can't handle it? KICK ROCKS **that is all...management**
**if you're over the age of 20 and you still whine, pout, and complain like a childish bitch, you are in serious need of some therapy. Life is too short to spend it complaining and whining. Gotta live life before it lives you!
**billy's birthday is tomorrow...and I might just be more excited than he is...he might even be mad that i'm mentioning it here...sorry. Everyone's birthday gets posted here.
**TT and EJ look at me crazy cause I am deathly afraid of needles...lmao! I'll add them to the list of people! I don't know what it is, when it comes to doctor's needles...I panic. I can handle tattoos *you don't see the actual needle* and piercings *some I saw the needles, others I already was prepared to take it*, but not doctors' needles...I chalk it up to bad childhood experiences...
...I wanna get another tat...
**I should have packed some tea. Do they not drink any in Florida?? I swear, i've yet to see a tea bag down here and i'm craving pomegranate white tea and yogi detox tea really bad!
**I'm out...until my next destination...
22 June 2009
I'm in Miami Bitch
OMG its hot as hell down here...I haven't been checking the weather report...but i'm sure the temperature is at least 90--all day.everyday. I'm used to getting in the car and not having to put on the air--just put the windows down and just drive and catch a nice cool breeze...NOPE not down here...A/C is a must!
I've managed to do everything I wasn't supposed to do so far and we've only been down here for like 4 days...its like Vegas though: whatever happens here stays here...bur somethings cab be spoken on...in due time...
..but for now I'm trying to talk about swimming in some of the clearest, most beautiful seawater i've ever seen in my life. I must have been a fish in a past life I swear it!
*peace*love*music**and all the beaches of South Florida*
23 May 2009
Note to self *deux*
**get cable before the NBA finals**
**drunk blogging may have reached an all new low....it's worse than drunk texting**
**get a ticket to see cudi in Norfolk ASAP**
Time waits for nothing...
-- sleeping to the tunes of my PoddyPod is sooo nice...
-- my night was so nice...except I think I drank too much...I was tempted to fight a taste...just a taste...
-- I found my sober party counterpart!! She's cool as shit..and she can dress!
-- Musiq 'halfcrazy': 1. It's currently spinning on the PoddyPod 2. It makes me think of all the 'maybe' points in my life. Not like in a 'we just didn't work out' sense....like a 'we can't be together' sense...
-- I got a pretty good mix going right now...
-- I miss my bestest buddie....it makes me sad she's in Fairfax...I can't wait until that's not an option...
-- ....I worry about her like she's a lil sister...
-- My braces hurt like shit...
-- Yes, mofos, I got braces. Please, don't look at me crazy...its just a lil metal in my mouth...
-- I'm so happy we hired movers...they did a bomb ass job getting all the heavy stuff from fairfax to alexandria...
-- I wish Ling wasn't scarie....it makes me really sad....
-- the PoddyPod is blasting Mariah Carey 'The Roof' now...classic...
-- V is sleeping in the dining room...i'm alll about the drunken safety of my buddies! Matter fact, where is Shu and her 'just in case' bag???
-- I've been invited to church my a drunk person...umm....I can't take a sober invitation seriously...can't see how'd be willing to take a drunken one....
-- have I missed out on something???
-- I miss my bed...one of he only things I hate about moving...
-- I broke out in hives today...can anyone explain a sporatic allergy to shrimp???
-- <--- open minded. Don't hate.
17 May 2009
Last night I had a dream...of a beautiful day...
--...apparently not all of us realized that was unattainable/stupid right out of college...
--...TRUST, I can do that no problem....but wtf...EVERY week?? What the fuck for? Ain't nobody impressed...but maybe you...and if it was pulling you that much pussy/dick, you wouldn't have been in 18th street NW arguing with me and others....
--....ball outta control on that
--I love jumbo slices, but damn if they don't give me heartburn
--I feel so old when I mention heartburn
--Shu Shu drives wayy too fast
--Ugh, I hope i'm mostly packed my tomorrow night
--And I hope to never have to move again for awhile
--you can't play a player...and you can't bullshit a bullshitter...
--'Minority Report' was a good movie
--I wonder how the Drake performance was?
--Tabi Bonney was just walking down the street tonight...I guess he doesn't see himself as much of a celebrity as I do. And that's a good thing.
--I was reading about accepting that there is a higher power and forming your own concept of what GOD is...what is your concept?
--GOD is a woman....bam. That's all I got....
07 May 2009
note to self...
*a 9-5 Ling is a cranky Ling...steer clear, or head for danger...*
*when you get an office with a door, either get a fan or a headset. Don't be loud and ignorant...talking as loud as possible on speakerphone, turning it all the way up, and leaving the door open...that's why you get the office...PRIVACY*
*NEVER drink coffee on days you wear light colored pants....*
29 April 2009
And I know what to do wit it...
2// ...well, at least, on the way to work...
3// ...man I miss being in hampton on days like this...the beach was down the street...I didn't have a job, but I had gas in my car and plenty of time on my hands
4// I'm about to be on the ultimate lockdown for pay...new project at work...
5// I'm really trying to get into this new Asher Roth album...idk. It sounds like a compilation of a bunch of mixtape tracks with some new tracks sprinkled in...
....I think I've just been spoiled by 'the greenhouse effect' mixtape...
6// ...sorry Asher...
7// I just bought a ticket for the Incubus concert in August and I am uber excited! I have been trying to see the in concert since I was a freshman in high school. They better not cancel this concert!
8// What the fuck is 'swine flu' and why the fuck is it a worldwide epidemic? They are talking about world markets being drastically effected and people all over dying...over pig contact??? Forreal?? Well I guess the whole world is gonna die...cause as long as there is a need for bacon, pork chops, pork loin, etc. There will be people coming in contact with pigs [whether it be to wrangle, slaughter, whatev] and they will touch peole with they dirty hands...they kids, other farmers, customers...and it will keep spreading....
9// I bet the demand for pork prouducts have been greatly reduced...and you can't even catch it by eating it...
10// People always said swine was dirty...glad I don't eat it...but I'M STILL NOT SAFE!!!
...fucking pork eaters....
11// I had a lady call me 'shy' yesterday*tuesday* for the first time ever. I always try to tell people I'm a shy person and NOONE believes me! I'm glad someone finally recognized it...lol. Why shyness is a great thing, I don't know. I mean, I do have moments when I'm just like 'fuck that shit' and do or say whatever the hell I want, but I'm not like that all the time....lol
12// K-Os' new album *Yes!* == good shit
13// I'm sorry....I don't know about you, but i'm just not a big fan of conversing in the bathroom...especially the bathrooms at work. I'm in there for a personal moment to myself. I'll smile, maybe a quick little 'hi'....but don't expect me to see how life is, how your project is, what color your pee is...no
This lady *who I just met yesterday* ended up in the bathroom at the same time I was in there. When I came out, I smiled, but I guessed she missed that. I was washing my hands and she had just finished up...and she just blurted *with attitude and stink eye* 'sooooo how's it going???' So I turned around and smiled AGAIN and was like 'how you doing?'....this bitch didn't even give a response OR look me in the eye, smile back....NOTHING....piss, wash your hands, leave...I don't even talk to people I know in the bathrooms at work...
14// What is with the new Orbit gum commercial? A british rapper? A whole music video? ....ummm...okay....
15// Big men wearing big, colorful scarves == NOT sexxi
25 April 2009
I got plans...I got a certain lust for life
2// i'm the fuckin BOMB *like tick...tick* I don't wait around for ANYONE. If you decide not to call, text, send a smoke signal, or however you do it in over a week...consider yourself CUT OFF. I've gone thru too much of that shit before....
3// and don't think you can pull a fast one on me....
4// ....EVER....
5// I saw someone mention earlier this week that 'it's safe to say R.Kelly's career is over'. In all honesty, I think it was safe to say that the whole 'Trapped in the Closet' saga was the official funeral of the career of the infamous R-ah...and thank GOD for that!
6// thank god for virtual fridays
7// I'm sad the Suns didn't make it to the finals....
8// ....but I'm still keeping hope alive that they will WIN next year!!!
9// in the meantime, i'm rooting for the nuggets and the hornets in the west...which is hard considering that they are playing against each other in the first round...
10// and the celtics in the east...
11// we finally found an apartment....it's not in the hood *shu, mommie, billy harris*...and it's a decent price...and uber close to the city...anyone wanna come help the movers move our stuff out? Lol
12// kid cudi got a new mixtape out *dat kid from cleveland* is available on www.datnewcudi.com ...I don't think it's as good as the last mixtape *a kid named cudi*...but I LOVE anything Cudi puts out...ANYTHING
13// according to the dude sitting next to me, its stinks really bad when women give birth....ummmmmmmmmmm....why he felt EVERYONE within earshot *which is this whole floor cause he screams on the phone* needed to hear that, I will never understand...
14// I haven't heard any 'new' music in weeks...i'm starting to go thru withdrawal...
15// ...but going back in time and listening to stuff I haven't heard since I was little sure has been fun!
16// i'm debating on whether or not to go to *Rock The Bells* this year. I know it has potential to be one of the best festivals of the year...but...idk. I might go to the Roots Picnic....*sigh*
17// I should have saved my PTO for summer concerts...
18// water under the bridge...
19// I can no long drink my beloved Potomac River Tap water *PRT*. Ling says companies have been dumping various prescription drugs in it and it is definitely in the drinking water. IDK...I grew up on the water..shit...we drink it everywhere we go[restaurants, ice, etc.]...I guess that's why i've loved it so much...anywhoo...better safe than sorry. I bought mad water in jugs at the store. 82¢ for *glorified* Potomac River Tap....
20// my mommie told me today that I treat her like my child...lmao...well, I can't help it, she's my mommie and I'm a big girl now, so I take care of her. Oh, how the roles reverse when we grow older. It's only right since she always listens to me...no matter how crazy I am...or whatever...
11 April 2009
And I know what to do wit it...
2// while I'd never risk messing panky up *and myself for that matter* I'd be more than willing to do that shit if you bother my while I'm driving...
3// that's why EJ and I work so well together....he knows I won't crash..and to just shut the fuck up...
4// this tub water is soooo warm right now....
5// i'm sorry I don't write my blog for the masses...
6// ...I write for myself and if you read it you read it...
7// ....I clearly have no kinda writing skills...
8// ...but I thought I made all this clear in my blog title...
9// ....guess not...
10// ...now you know.
11// Love was so wack tonight! I'm glad I didn't pay to get in!
12// Slick Rick at Love for a 15 minute set? Well worth the free entry. Poor thing. He really thought people were gonna hype up seeing up seeing him perform...sorry, bruh, I was more excited seeing Biz Markie spinning in the DJ booth.
13// McDonald's is so bad for you...but damn if it don't taste good as hell at 3 am!
14// hopefully this man will be speaking the right tune tomorrow, cause if he not, he better give me my fucking money back and shove that apartment up his ass
15// one day, Love gonna be less famous for their celebrity sightings and more for the hot wings sold right out front...
16// I crave them...and I don't even eat meat
17// they should rename Easter 'Heathen Visitation Day' cause everyone I saw tonight will be in there Sunday...but no other days following...
18// ...and guaranteed there will be 3 holy ghost catchings, 6 falling outs, 9 recommittments, dozens new followers of christ, and about 5 new members of the church...
19// ..and none of them will be christians come monday afternoon...
20// I'm just sayin...
10 April 2009
Never ask for permission just ask for forgiveness...
2// I need to take other people's advice as well..
3// Sometimes it's best to not say anything at all » Shu
...Shu sits around so quietly...just 'peeping' the scene...or something...I always wonder what she is thinking about and why she is so quiet...I wish I could be like that...
4// I'm trying to look at life les pessimistically and more optimistically » TT
...now, I have managed to take this advice more often than not....but one of my friends finds a way to see the negative in EVERYTHING and wants you to know EXACTLY what she is complaining about. *ugh* did we all used to be like that? If we were, please forgive me...
5// Being an asshole is cute and funny all the time, but there is a seriously fine line between being an asshole and completely disrespectful
6// When I tell you something as mean and harsh as 'do not talk to me anymore', I mean that shit. That means don't call/text/IM me. If you see me in the streets, act like you don't know me. I thought I made myself clear. If you're that worried about what i'm doing and why i'm doing it, you're acting bitch made...and I don't have time for that shit anymore...
7// If you're that in need to see/hang out with me, you make the plans! If I wanted to hang out with you, I'd make the plans myself. I HATE that! Obviously i'm not that pressed...and you need to get your life together...
8// EJ is a fucking soldier...forreal
9// I have just as much of an addiction to midwest men as I do to DMV men...yumm...lol
10// Bumping UGS??? Wow...and La'rae says I only know ebonics...
11// Of all the music that I received this week, the one album I keep listening to has been on my iPod for months and I never gave it a chance...until I heard a song on a mixtape...and go figure: a bitch happened to use one of the lines from the song on me last week...now I can't stop listening to the whole album...
12// seems like any and everything can give me heartburn nowadays...i'ma have to keep pepto on hand from now on...
13// Sometimes I wish I could flashback to days when things were soooo simple..
14// Itching is soooo contageous!
06 April 2009
I don't *heart* mondays...
2// What exactly is Charles Hamilton trying to do? He went and cut his hair, put on some nice clothes, and stopped whining *for the most part*...then put out a new mixtape. And it actually sounds pretty good...wow...cause his last few mixtapes were not as good as people made them out to be...it's nice he is trying to grow up a taste...
3// ...now if only he will stop trying to sing...leave the singing to Brandon...he's so much better at it...
4// ...I should have slept in this morning...
5// this waking up early thing is for the birds
6// air conditioning in the workplace is a pretty stupid concept...
7// ...and why does my desk always seem to end up right under the vent?!?!
8// I miss DC soul artists...
9// How does a 13 year old manage to make it all the way to Texas from VA in a big ass pick up and trailer carrying 2 horses? One: it had to take him over a day to get there. When he stopped, why didn't anyone ask how old he was and why his parents weren't with him? Two: how big is this 13 year old? He has to be a big lil bastard to not be caught driving all that distance. Three: who taught this lil bastard to drive? Shouldn't his parents be arrested for teaching him to drive? Video games couldn't have taught him to drive like that....
...I swear kids are growing up entirely too fast nowadays...
10// ...wow...i'm listening to the Jetsetters mixtape and and I swear I just heard Drake rap a line that sounded exactly like something a bitch ass n**g@ said to me last week...smh...it's sad he couldn't even come up with a decent excuse on his own...well that's to be expected from a bitch...
11// ...that Drake song was good though...
12// I have a thing for midwest rappers...
13// If you feel you need to tell me how to achieve my goals and you just met me, it's not going to work...
14// I keep losing all my lip chap...
15// The cherry blossoms are so pretty...but what is the point of a festival? They had absolutely nothing going on yesterday and yet, people were out in DROVES! Idk...I would definitely go out there and take lounge under the trees on a warm day...but everyone was out there just walking around like they had never seen trees before...smh
16// la'rae snores so fucking loud...lmao
17// it seems like people pack into Ben's Chilli Bowl hoping to see Obama walk in for lunch again..as much as I love him, I'm mad he made my favorite place in DC so damn popular
18// the African Art Museum is a lil hidden treasure within the Smithsonian system. That's a museum that I could stand to go to over and over again...
19// all this new music is making my monday seem a bit better
20// FLA in t-minus 2 1/2 months!!!
05 April 2009
And I don't need no hook for this SHIIIIIIIT....
2// I have managed to learn so much over the past few days alone...
3// I *heart* my new phone! Buttons!!! Nothing like it! Touch screens aren't as flyy as everyone makes them out to be. I can text and drive safely again...
4// EJ's birthday was thursday...whoooo! He's old! Like 30 or something....lol...nah, he's like 23-24...
5// I've come to the conclusion that I really need to stop dating until further notice..like forreal. Apparently I break hearts, I get my heart broken, and it's just a no-win situation all around for all parties involved...
6// So if I've dated you in the past...or if you see me in the streets and your name isn't *EJ*TT*La'rae*Vonneezy*Billy* then do us all a favor and lose my number and forget you ever knew me...
7// ....thank you....
8// 'Leave It All Behind' is one of the best albums I have in my collection right now.
9// I got my own, boo, I don't need none of yours...
10// Apparently I'm fast...and mean...
11// ...not even...on both accusations...
12// I just realized i'm completely over the club scene...cept Adams Morgan...
13// i'm so glad it's getting warm!
14// i'm just saying...BEEP BEEP!
15// ....8 am wake ups to drive a spritely recovered drunkard is not what's poppin...
16// 2-3 hours of sleep would never make me that peppy
17// today is shaping up to be a nice day
18// I'm thirsty...
19// ...why is 'Pimp My Ride' on my television?
20// I'm going back to sleep...
30 March 2009
Just when you thought it was safe...
»thursday was a great night. I love hanging out with my peoples...they are hilarious, serious, realistic, optimistic...just everything...even when they pluck my nerves...
»the tax gods saw fit to give me my tax return this weekend...just in time.
»I still can't decide on a new album of the week...*sigh*
»I told myself [and Shu] that I was going out this weekend with every intention to just have fun and enjoy spending time with my friends and drink...blah, blah, blah...and what do you know? I meet someone...shit...
»everyone is looking for cupid...and I seem to be that 'person'...I do give good advice...even if I don't take it myself...
»I have an injured toe....and it's all Ling's fault...
»sometimes I forget my mommie is a fraidy ol lady....she looks so young...lol *I love you, mommie*
»I need a passport....ASAP
»I can't wait til summer vacation!!!
»EJ's birthday is thursday...that means it's 'go hard or go home' weekend!
»I need to go to the gym...
25 March 2009
I tried...
2/ would you believe it? The apartment we're moving to is about 5 mins from almond joy...
3/....but he'll never know it...
4/ Why are states trying to issue formal apologies for slavery? Do they feel that it will erase centuries of racism and discrimination? Is it a pass to keep white folk from keeping us down? I don't get it...
5/don't issue apologies....it's WAAAYYY too late for that...
6/Love vs Money got a 74 on Okayplayer....as much as I love the album, i didn't think it would break 70...oops
7/...another teen dies at the hands of a cop with a taser...what the fuck is going on???!! They haven't learned their lesson? You kill hundreds of people...TURN THE VOLTAGE DOWN!!! especially when dealing with kids...like maybe they should have a dial for each type of person. Like: 'child', 'teen', 'woman', 'man', 'big ass muthafucka'
8/Why does it have to be so cold in the first days of spring? It was 30 degrees on my way to work this morning...POPPYCOSH! I'm ready to break out my mini skirts, sundresses, and pumpum shorts!
9/i'm thinking about buying a desert eagle...it's one sexxxy gun...
10/i'm moving to maryland...well back to maryland in the other side of the beltway...
11/ I think our generation will have the highest rate of deaf elderly thanks mostly in part to 'the boomin system', iPods, and Bose 'over the ear' high-def headphones...and that's fine. I just gotta brush up on my ASL
12/ I will no longer be planning events for ANYONE! I'ma be doing what I wanna do...if you wanna get down...meet me there.
13/I fucking LOVE Kid Cudi!!! He could do nothing but write in his blog all day and I'd be pleased....but his music makes me *swoon*
14/Other people's blogs are like my personal form of therapy...without the outrageous bill...
15/Lupe has a new album dropping....WHOO! I can't wait! But this retirement thing is really getting to me...why?
16/If I go longer than a day without checking 2dopeboyz, I have so much to catch up on. I've been on for the last hour just tryna catch up on the past 4days
17/I'm sick and tired of being asked about those no longer in the picture...if they were still around, i'd bring them up...but i didn't, so move on...I did
18/I'm thinking about getting a reading...like a tarot card reading...
19/or a tattoo....
20/I'm waiting patiently and watching intently for any info on Rock The Bells 2009. As soon as the tix go in sale I'll be purchasing the biggest package...12 hours in extreme heat==best mega concert of the year
21/writing blogs while reading blogs is uber fun
*off to twitter land and bed*
09 March 2009
let em try to find the beauty in your face
I'm so thankful for the people I have in my life. Even with they dance on that last nerve like it's a salsa dance floor *and yall DO* I wouldn't trade them for the world! They make me laugh...think...they give good advice...they make the world alot less lonely.
**The Dream's new album, 'Love vs Money' is supposed to drop tomorrow, but of course the MuSiC gods have seen fit to let me have it early. Everyone *whose music opinion I respect/trust* said that it was just 'Ehhh....not at good as the first one' My opinion? I think it's pretty good. I do agree, it's not as good as the first...but, honestly? What artist(s) do you know that have come hard with a second album that blast the first out of the water? Especially that specializes in the art of autotune? I definitely don't think his lyrics are as strong as the last album..and he seems to be really trying to sing this go round *some artists should just stick to autotune--DREAM* But I think the music is better than the last. Maybe this should have just been put out as an instrumental. *one last note:: is it just me, or does he sound a lil like R.Kelly??
**This daylight savings time is really kicking my ass...but I think I'm on the come back.
**I'm so glad it's warm!!! It feels so nice to not have to sit close to a heater *and burn my ass...literally* and I can get in the car and open the sunroof! WHOOO! Time to go shopping for dresses!!
**Thank you Santa Maria on the cross for my bonus!!! Corporate America does so right by you round the end of the fiscal year...then taxes hit...but I thank ya anyway!
**When are people gonna leave Rihanna and Chris Brown alone? They seem to have gotten over it..forgiven each other...why can't everyone else? If she wants to be a crazy ass bitch and go back to him *whether he beat her down or not* then let the bitch be!
**I need some new iPod headphones...
**Almond Joy's time is wearing thin...real thin...
**Twitter is becoming a serious thing. All of my favorite people 'tweet' ALL DAY AND NIGHT! I'm trying to get into it like that where I converse back and forth with folk..but I doubt it will get like that...
**I'm heading to Busboys and Poets sometime this week...anyone wanna join me???
03 March 2009
"Is that that crazy ass angry ni**@?!" ~Ling
..not just tonight...but the rest of your life...
01 March 2009
Aye yo good morning to um...I don't remember your name
*I'm in the middle of apartment hunting...the countdown begins: 30 days or else we're essentially 'out on the street'
*where did all this damn snow come from???? it was like 60-70 degrees for like 3 days last week! Now I have to brace myself for snow!? This is come redonkulous bullshit!! Can someone lend me some road salt, an ice scraper, and...ummm....oh yea, food??
*The wal-mart in Hampton hasn't changed a bit...still got that shitty ass service...and still selling either rotten or not ripe produce. THANKS WALMART! You know just how to ruin college life!
*I finally got my tots and cranberry limeade from Sonic...I only had to wait for a trip to Hampton to get it. yummmyyy
*What the fuck is a 1GB ipod!? LMAO! What kinda music do you put on that? I hate having an iPod with only 16GB! If someone offered me a 1GB iPod, I'd give them a dollar to take that shit back...
*I had yogurt for the first time the other day...and now I'm slightly addicted...I'm trying to get over the fact that it has the consistency of fruity snot...lol. Sorry, but that's all I thought about when people ate it
*"Burn After Reading" has one of the most shocking storyline twists I've seen in a LONG time...rarely does a movie catch me completely by surprise. And why did people say this movies is hilarious??? ....I don't get it...good, yes...chuckle-worthy, absolutely....hilarious, not in the slightest...but maybe I missed something
*I gotta get into grad school ASAP...but, alas, I gotta write yet another essay. I hate writing [...in a formal sense, not in a off the top of the dome, random ass sense...]
*Countdown to the GREATEST BIRTHDAY EVEERRRRR: 7 days!!!!
24 February 2009
If you ain't bussin down....PLEASE DISPERSE
2/ What the FUCK!? Wayne does tats now???? Suddenly shit all makes sense... *worldstarhiphop.com*
3/ ...I bet he was high as shit when he did it...
4/ ...and tyga had to be too to let him do it...
5/ Why does Unique from For The Love of Ray J think she can sing???
6/ All I hear is a strangling cat with amnesia...
7/ note to self: get these albums
a. p.o.s - never better
b. ryan leslie - self titled
c. india.arie
8/ I wish Cudi would get his site fixed
9/ I miss the Jack of All Trades blog
10/ Happy Mardi Gras!
11/ Last day to be bad....go hard or go home!
12/ I gotta find some holy ash for Ash Wednesday...
13/ ...maybe not...
14/ Countdown to the greatest birthday EVER: 12 days
15/ detox tea + motrin for an achy scalp + personal blogroll + cereal == one great Monday night
23 February 2009
The lonely stoner tries to free his mind at night...
...at.at.at night!
CUDI!!!!!!! At long last! An official video for 'Day n Nite'!!! Whoooo!!!! EnJoY!
well well well
2/ I'm not gonna be a friendly person tomorrow...
3/ ...and I apologize in advance for anyone caught in the crossfire
4/ I still don't know what to give up for Lent...
5/ ...any suggestions?
6/ Ling says I need to give him a chance
7/ i'll consider it
8/ It's really hard to text and type an email at the same time
9/ I haven't left the house all day
10/ That's some sad shit
11/ But it is my day off...
12/ 'She's Gotta Have It' is one of the best Spike Lee Joints I've ever seen. Easily #2 behind 'Do the Right Thing' and before 'She Hate Me'
13/ Sometimes I feel like Nola Darling...
14/ ...and sometimes, I aspire to be her...
15/ Manny is NO longer in the picture
16/ that's official
17/ Please stop asking about him
18/ I'm thinking about video blogging...
19/ ...we'll see how that pans out...
22 February 2009
As the seconds turn to minutes...
2/ This shit is fucked up...I'm watching Hedsor Hall on MTV...and actually tryna learn something
3/ These bitches are crazy
4/ Madea was a hilarious movie...but oh so predictable...
5/ It funny how a man wants to be all up in your face when you are clearly unavailable emotionally
6/ My uncle gives some of the best advice
7/ 'If a man can't treat you like a queen...show his ass the door' ~ Unki
8/ Looks like a lot of ni**as bout to feel that cold doorknob hittin they ass
9/ It's embarrassing to be standing in line in front if a fine ass dude and you're tryna buy smooth move tea, tampons, and milk...
10/ ...real embarrassing...
11/ 'life is a flow of love; your participation is required' ~yogi tea bag
12/ I am the visual, the inspiration, that made lady sing the blues...
13/ I wish artists would just make their music available on the internet already
14/ ...I'm just sayin...
07 February 2009
a drunk/sober night's revelations
2. When I say I'll be ready by a certain time, I mean it.
3. You don't have to buy them drinks and shit to get approval
4. If I offer to buy you something, just say thank you and shut the fuck up
5. Have you not been paying for everything since the day we met?
6. Beer before liquor will get you sicker....
7. ...liquor before beer, you're in the clear
8. How many more times can I say it: NEVER MIX LIGHTS AND DARKS!
9. Why do guys [read:: boys] expect that you're gonna wait around for them to get their shit together?
10. I'm too young to be waiting around...
11. ...and too old to be playing games...
12. 3 dates apparently means we're gonna be together forever
13. What's wrong with enjoying right now?
14 . I thought that i would be the clingy one...
15. ...apparently not...
16. It's looking like I'm a heartbreaker all around...
17. ...and that's gonna make me single the rest of my life...
18. I never meant to be...
19. Being a Piscean Woman is starting to feel like a curse...
20. You said you weren't the jealous type...
21. ...but you sure showed your jealous ass tonight...
22. If they don't give me more work, I'm gonna go OFF on somebody!
23. I came home and you were laying on the couch...lights and TV on...but he wasn't here...WTF?!
24. I don't have time for spoiled nonsense
25. I'm craving new music like crazy
26. I can't wait til spring...
05 February 2009
all that I can sayyyy.....

*ugh* I hate having so much to say but no way of telling it.
I'm trying to gather my thoughts and update all of you....I should be back in full effect by Friday. If not, feel free to blast me in your own personal ways....
*but not too hard cause my undying laziness makes you all love me so >>insert giggle here<<*
...but in the meantime follow me on *twitter*
27 January 2009
26 January 2009
N*$%@s is testin' my patience...

...I'm feeling quite inspired, yet, I feel this entry will go unfinished....
my friend went 'missing' today...scary, to say the least...everyone was calling, texting...I was this *brings thumb and index finger really close* close to hiking up thru the fucking mountains to bust this girl's door down. she's fine. thank GOD
does anyone like to be in 2nd place?? I KNOW I don't like to be in 2nd place....so why does he think I do? It's really bothering me. Are you that fucking oblivious that you don't see it? How can he think things are the same way as they were before? MIA for days/weeks at a time...coming back and making up some bullshit excuses...it was okay at first. It was early...we weren't that serious...but...umm...it's been like 4 months...I think I deserve a lil more than some part-time thing...I'm not taking 2nd place to anything anymore...
I was running down my blog list today after work *my religious activity* and I'm noticing that most of my favorite blogs are being shut down. *cue one lone tear* it makes me so sad...I mean, blogs I check as many times a day as I can gone like that...poof. So I've been on the prowl...looking for new blogs to cyber stalk for the latest in music and the funniest of daily observations...
...gotta go...time for Noah's Arc...
24 January 2009
a sober night's lesson
\\if you're a lightweight, do not listen to drunk alcoholics when they tell you the opposite of the afore mentioned lesson...even more tragedy comes of it
\\if you are drunk off your ass, never attempt a spin while dancing. You WILL go down, down, down if noone is there to catch you...thus causing many expensive drinks to be wasted.
\\always know where you're going and how to get there BEFORE leaving. Never follow a maniac driver who's been drinking
\\apparently that's not his boo...and he's tired of everyone referring to her as such.
\\...but the pics, convo, and aftermath DO paint a different picture...
\\...i'm just saying...
\\buying a drink AIN'T worth it if you only drink half, it provides some killer heartburn, and delivers no buzz.
\\when choosing between herpes and unwanted pregnancy, ALWAYS bet on the unwanted pregnancy.
\\when you're tipping, slipping, and sliding...believe your friends when they tell you 'you're drunk'.
\\if you're the only sober person in you're party, don't turn your back on anyone else for longer than 15mins...chaos ensues.
\\never EVER drink and dial...ever.
\\you should give him a chance. Doesn't matter what he does for a living...unless you tryna have his babies.
\\never holla at men around your friends...
\\...especially if they drunk...they know how to cause a scene
\\yes i held his hand...innocently
\\and, yes, he kissed me...ON THE CHEEK
\\don't keep saying/thinking you got it....when you obviously don't.
\\never bring your mother to the club
\\and don't let her dance with your man...gross.
\\ihop is SERIOUSLY slacking on their cheese grits game...2 weeks straight is completely ridiculous
\\it's very rude to leave a throwup bag sitting on a table for some else to clean up.
\\BEST LESSON: being sober makes for a much more interesting night
.....i would never trade my friends for the world....not even when they drunk....
23 January 2009
then the clouds opened up and Obama said...
...ummm....sorry folks...yall not getting any of that. Now, now, I must say...I would have never wanted to be anywhere else than standing on that mall when Barack raised that right hand, took that oath, and gave one of the most moving speeches I've heard in a long time. But that was just the last hour we were out there....
That was the COLDEST LONGEST 10 hours of my life!! Everytime I think about that I wish I would have never gone out there. I'm still recovering from this cold! But it does allow for bragging rights...if only for a few minutes....
So anyway...
We got to DC around 4:30am. Everyone was kinda walking in different directions. We ended up seeing a line going down Independence Ave. **like WAAAY down** So natually, we cut in the front of the line...along with about 100 other people. Folks in the back didn't like that **HA** then, as folks in the back were starting to scream at us, people started rushing to the right...apparently someone busted open the fence that lead directly to the mall. Everyone started running for the front of the no ticket area. **so against the rules...but oh well** We all started running **then I stopped, I don't know who the fuck these slim ass mofos think I am, but a runner I am not** Once we made it to the front **and I met Lyn and EJ where they stopped** everyone just kinda stood there and stared at the brightly lit captial building....and stood there...and kept standing there. After a while I felt like a dumbass...we looked like a herd of cattle...just standing there staring straight ahead like cause we got out there before the sun came up GOD was going to come up from behind the Capitol Building and bless us. So I decided to sit down...oh folk didn't like that! They started wondering why we were sitting down in the middle of the crowd **ummm...in case you didn't notice we'll be out here for another 8 hours before Barack even shows his face...get comfortable** but we sat anyway. People kept standing....then gradually as hours started to pass and the temperature started to drop...people got smart and started to sit the fuck down. As the sun came up, EJ started shivering and, after downing 2 cans of Full Throttle, had to piss like nobody's business. Mind you, we're standing in the middle of a massive crowd of people and the portapotties were so far away. So, in an act of desperation, EJ pissed in many bottles...in front of me...I feel so violated...even today. Around 9, we just couldn't take it anymore. I was starting to numb from being so damn cold, EJ was still shivering, and Lyn was starting to realize that wind chill is a big factor in how cold it was going to be that day. We walked to the outside of the crowd **fuck it, I admit, we were bout to just leave** Surprisingly, the edge of the crowd was alot warmer than the middle...so we stayed. Warmed up a lil...aLOT closer to the portapotties **though they were DISGUSTING** It still seemed worth it. Then the wind started to pick up again and I froze. Lyn started acting irrational **somewhat from the weather...mostly from her crazy ass...lol** so she layed down under a blanket and fell asleep....she looked like a hobo **no, really. people started to wonder if she was okay...** Finally they started ushering all the flyy as fuck folk that didn't have to wait in the cold **celebrities...politicians...and the like** and folk started to get excited **I admit, I was too...especially when they showed Jay-Z in the huge fur hat** and then the moment arrived. Joe Biden took his oath **almost there** then my president got up and took his oath...I could barely see it, but hearing it was just as good. It made standing out there for hours, so cold I was numb, and catching a bad cold SOOOO worth it. It's so real.
Things on TV aren't always what they seem. This whole election, election night, announcing the winner...none of that seemed completely real. But to stand out there and to actually see him taking the oath and giving that speech turned my fantasy into reality. About 18 months ago, you would have never conviced me that a Black man was going win the presidency...like forreal...I would have told you to shut the fuck up...but now, I really believe it.
20 January 2009
Geauxbama for ya mama
I made it thru Inauguration...
I would sit here right now and give yall a complete rundown of everything I did...
But I've got a cold from all this shit.....and it's not too pleasant to be in this body right now....
I'll get back to yall soon
14 January 2009
all of this ain't gonna matter when I die and say goodbye...SO LONG!!
12 January 2009
But I will find him standing on my doorstep...
...i'm trying to get on a new flex schedule so can get every Friday off. I'ma be a zombie mofo most of the week...but I can just lay on the floor and stare out the window if i so please come Friday. I'm starting to learning to take full advantage of the benefits my job is claiming to offer. Maybe i'll go back and get a degree I don't really need and take the whole month of March off. That's what they pay me to come in for every day for...
08 January 2009
i'm right HERE...
I know I know...it's been awhile. I never realize just how many people read my blog, my bad. I really appreciate yall though::